Contact Us


If you have any questions regarding your order, jellyfish, EON Jellyfish Aquarium, or would like to inquire about a custom jellyfish tank, please email us.


If you would like to submit pictures of your jellyfish or jellyfish tank - which is welcomed and awesome, please email us at



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Frozen Jellyfish Food

The most nutritious jellyfish food on the market. Hatched, enriched, and processed in the lab daily, our Frozen Jellyfish Food is the best time-saving alternative to live baby brine shrimp.

Frozen Jellyfish Food

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Frozen Jellyfish Food


250 gram supply of enriched Artemia nauplii—grown and packaged daily here in our lab!

Keep in the back of the freezer for up to 6 months.

• • •

$40 Overnight Delivery for 250 grams

Contact us for wholesale quantities & pricing @

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Shipping via UPS Next Day Air. Orders received before 10 a.m. PST Monday - Wednesday, ship that day. Please view our entire shipping schedule here. If you need them delivered on a specific date, please specify in the Note to Seller box at checkout. Otherwise, we will schedule your shipment according to the time it was received. 


Video Tutorial on Feeding Your Moon Jellyfish

This is what we feed to our growing jellyfish every day here in the lab! It is also the same product various public aquariums and zoos feed their jellies. Works beautifully for corals, invertebrates and fish, too.

Can be held in the freezer for up to 6 months.   

Feeding Guide:

Cut 1/4" piece of the frozen food to feed 3-6 small jellies (1" diameter).

Cut 1/2" piece of the frozen food to feed 3-6 medium jellies (2"diameter).

Cut ½" piece of the frozen food to feed 2-3 of the large jellies (3"diameter). 

Dissolve the piece in a small cup with some water from the jellyfish system. Gently pour the dissolved mixture into the water, making sure not to pour directly onto a jellyfish. Feed once a day. Example: One 250 gram package of our Frozen Jellyfish Food will feed 3 medium jellyfish for 90 days (3 months).